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Two Souls

Two Souls

Two souls from above Peeped from behind the clouds Captivated by the Earth, descend below For adventures yet to be found

They go to live separate lives

Years later, at her front door His voice gives a soft knock Her disbelieving ears jump with joy As with this divine music they begin to unlock

While his feet caress the awakening ground And tell it to hush, Roses and lilies wake up wildly And redden with a deep blush.

She poured out to him everything

She asks him sheepishly “I know not Which part is fact, and which, fiction”

He says “Only the truth in the moment And the rest is fabricated from conviction”

“Why are we here?” “Perhaps to experience this Earth. Or perhaps to un-trap other familiar souls, Only reachable through this mortal birth”

Inevitably we find ourselves here In flesh and bone Getting pulled and pushed in a world, Feeling so alone

“If you have found the truth You must help others feel it in their hearts” “Maybe. But they hold desires That need fulfilling before they depart”

“Okay, but tell me before you leave… That love is a rumour Tell me it cannot be found Tell me it is all said in humour.

I meet all kinds of people And hear the stories that they weave But I don’t know which version is real Can you tell me which one to believe?

This love is killing me slowly

If it is a fable I can forget it with ease Because I am being mocked With this silly tease

If it is a lie I can shrug it off now But no one would tell me Will you?” She bows.

He smiles. No answer.


They have each other In an endless embrace Perhaps not on the Earth, But in the infinite space

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